This set of a mirror ornated with versatile mosaic tiles and the console with a sofisticated metal base adds a touch of sophistication and glamour, making them suitable for upscale or contemporary interior settings.
Technique: Handmade
Materials: mosaic tiles, wrought iron
Dimensions: Mirror: length – 80 cm, width – 70 cm Console: length – 95 cm, width – 42 cm, height – 79 cm
100 % MELAMINBESCHICHTETE SPANPLATTEN, Stärke: 18 mm, Metallrahmen (Stärke: 2 cm), metallbeschichtete Schublade, Teleskop-Schubladenführungen, Metallgriffe, Größe: Breite: 90 cm, Höhe: 100 cm, Tiefe: 40 cm, Schubladengröße: Breite: 90 cm, Höhe: 20 cm 3 Schubladen Zahlreiche Regale können an der Wand befestigt werden Zusätzlicher Stauraum Anzahl der Pakete: 5 92 x 41 x 15 cm / 25 kg (1 Stück) 85 x 40 x 13 cm / 17 kg (1 Stück) 75 x 24 x 5 cm / 3 kg (1 Stück) 102 x 42 x 12 cm / 8 kg (1 Stück) 35 x 15 x 15 cm / 4 kg (1 Stück)
FARBE:Atlantische Kiefer Schwarz
Gewicht (kg):57.000
The Safari series cabinets are classic solutions in a unique color palette. Available in 5 finishing options, they provide a wide range of compositional possibilities. The furniture is made of laminated chipboard with a thickness of 18 mm, finished with ABS edging. Rubberized handles on the doors enhance safety during play.
Dimensions: 178 x 85 x 42 cm
Le bois de ce meuble est certifié FSC. Le label garantit que le bois provient de forêts gérées de manière responsable vous pouvez aussi participer à la conservation des forêts et de la biodiversité en choisissant ce produit.
Elégante et stylée, la commode 3 tiroirs en rotin RUSSELL a tout pour plaire ! Le glamour ne manque pas dans un salon exotique, bord de mer chic ou plus minimaliste. Cette commode repose sur des pieds en métal couleur laiton et présente des tiroirs en rotin à l’avant pour une touche moderne. Cette méthode de tissage convient aux meubles et s’intègre facilement dans tous les types d’intérieurs. Vous aimerez les 3 grands tiroirs de cette commode, permettant de ranger linge de lit, articles de maison ou vêtements. Métal, rotin rotin, nombreux rangements les commodes ont tout pour plaire !
Poids:28000 g
Dimensions:90 × 48 × 19 cm
Dimensions (L x p x h):80 x 40 x 80 cm
Poids (net):26,5 kg
Longueur:80 cm
Largeur (profondeur):40 cm
Temps de montage:45 mn
Colis:90 x 18,5 x 48 cm
Poids colis:28 kg
Solid wood bathroom cabinet
“Evrica” Furniture Factory offers you a simple but elegant bathroom solution that will save you the effort of selecting and combining furniture for the wet room.
Our bathroom cabinet with mirror covers most of the interior of this specific part of the home, regardless of its size. The design of this furniture is extremely fine and elegant and allows it to find a place in almost any home. Especially if you want to put something really inspiring in the bathroom to pamper yourself and make your guests really stunned.
The model has dimensions of 1100/850/360 and is one of the products that are said to have a laconic beauty. The strict construction offers two small drawers with fine fittings, in which to arrange bathroom accessories that you would not want to display. There is enough space in the large cupboard under them for clean towels or even cleaning products.
Add a touch of charm and a pleasant look to your bathroom with this mirror cabinet. It gives every room a contemporary style! The wall mirror cabinet is made of glass and MDF with melamine surface, which makes it durable and stable. The cabinet has 2 doors and a total of 3 compartments, providing ample storage space. They are ideal for storing your toiletries and bath items such as soap, shampoo and toothpaste. Stylish and functional, this medicine cabinet will make any decor unique and eye-catching! Note : Screws and plugs for the wall are not included. Always use screws and plugs that are suitable for your wall. If in doubt, consult a professional. Carefully read and follow each step of the manual.
Wil jij een uniek badkamermeubel? Het houten badmeubel Rondo creert een heerlijk frisse en natuurlijke sfeer in je badkamer!
Afmetingen: 60-120x45x60 cm
Materiaal: Eikenhout
Kleur: Bruin
Behandeling: Charcoal / Pure / Smoke 5% / Transparant / White 5%
Aantal Laden: 2
introducing our exquisite collection of bathroom furniture, designed to enhance both the functionality and aesthetic appeal of your bathroom space. Crafted with precision and attention to detail, our range of furniture pieces combines stylish designs with durable materials to create a truly luxurious bathroom experience.
Usage Areas: Indoor | Bedroom, Kids / Teenager Room
Size Description;
Ground clearance (cm) 170 cm
Width (cm) 180.2 cm
Depth (cm) 47.6 cm
Number of packages: 3
Kg / Dm: 119 Kg
Body: CHIPBOARD (Melamine Particle Board)
Cover: CHIPBOARD (Melamine Particle Board)
Drawer: CHIPBOARD (Melamine Particle Board)
Edge Band / Raw Material Thickness: PVC 0.40 mm
Fasteners: The product parts are combined with the Minifix System or the Cabin Connection System.
WARNINGS!: E1 Norm Plate is Used and Contains Diluted Urea Formaldehyde.
Transport Instruction: Carry with at least 2 people.
Instructions/Care: Clean With A Cloth Lightly Moistened With Water.
Does the product require assembly? : YEAH
Does it require wall fixing?: No
Warranty: 24 Months From Invoice Date
Producer: Dienni
Production Place: Kayseri Organized Industrial Zone 9. Street No:24 Melikgazi / KAYSERİ / TURKEY
Magnifique commode à 3 tiroirs avec miroir au design moderne. Structure laquée
Dimensions LXPXH=123X45X74CM
Le + du produit: structure laquée, facile à nettoyer avec une lingette ou un chiffon microfibre
Parma Yatak Odası Takımı Ürün Özellikleri
Ürün MalzemesiMDF malzeme ayna, kadife kumaş ile üretilmiştir.
Yatak Odası Takımı TarzıModern Yatak Odası Takımı
Dolap İçeriğiÇekmece, askılık, raf, gizli çekmece
Dolap TipiKelebek kapaklı gardrop
Dolap Kapak Fonskiyonu 6 adet kelebek kapak
Ayak Malzemesi
Ayaklar gümüş boyalı metal malzemedir.
Karyola Başlığı
1. sınıf kadife kumaş döşeme
Karyola FonksiyonuKaryola bazalıdır.
Gardrop Fonksiyonu
Çok raflı dolap içi, pantolon askısı ve çekmecelerden oluşmaktadır.
Ayak Tipi
Yatak: boyalı ceviz yere sıfır ayak, komodin ve şifonyer altın rengi boyalı metal ayak.
Ayak Malzemesi
Bakım ve Temizlik Mobilyalarınızı nemli bezle silerek temizleyebilirsiniz. Direkt güneş ışığından koruyunuz. Sıcak yüzeylerin ve suyun uzun süreli yüzeye temasından kaçınınız.
Garanti SüresiYatak odası takımı garanti süresi 24 aydır.
Diğer Özellikler
Duvara monte şifonyer aynalı.
160*200 cm yatak ölçüsü.
Genişlik : 81 cm Yükseklik: 102 cm Derinlik: 38 cm
Ürünlerimiz 18 mm kalınlığında halk arasında Suntalam olarak bilinen, sağlığa zararsız, kanserojen madde içermeyen Avrupa E1 kalite standartlarında uygun, yonga levhalardan üretilmektedir.
Kolay Kurulum: Ürün demonte olarak gönderilmektedir ve Kurulum seması ile kolay bir kurulum sağlanmaktadır.
Paket içerisinde kurulumda ihtiyacınız olan tüm hırdavat malzemeleri bulunmaktadır.
Coffre Design Avec 6 Tiroirs En Bois Et Simili-cuir 11b544 - Meubles
UGS:Réf - 11B544
Buffet en acacia massif de 150cm de large.
Style scandinave, parfait pour une décoration épurée de style nordique ou bohème chic.
Il est composé de 2 portes avec 2 étagères, et 3 tiroirs.
Dimensions:L 150cm x P 45cm x H 80cm
Finition:Huilé Mat
Composition:Acacia Massif
Couleur:Bois Naturel
Nombre de tiroirs:3
Nombre de portes:2
Poids:83 Kg
Importateur et fournisseur d'article pour la maison et la chambre depuis plus de 20 ans, ADYS vous propose sa nouvelle gamme de table de chevet.
En complément de nos cadres de lits et lits coffre, les tables de chevets que nous vous proposons viendront parfaitement embellir et harmoniser les chambres de vos clients.
C'est vous qui choisissez le cahier des charges. Couleur, matière, taille et forme, avec Adys, tout est personnalisable et adaptable aux envies de vos consommateurs.
De la conception à la logistique en passant si vous le souhaitez par le marketing, nous sommes votre partenaire privilégié pour gagner des parts de marché et booster vos ventes de demain.
L'expertise Adys c'est de vous proposer des produits tendances, 100% personnalisable pour satisfaire vos clients existants et pour en conquérir de nouveaux.
Pour avoir plus de renseignement, contactez nous vite au 04 30 22 00 57 ou via le formulaire de contact ci-dessous.
Modern interpretation of classics.
The refined simplicity of this collection attracts the attention. And the laconic combination of the constructive body and the figured plinth impresses with the unity of the textured finish and a pleasant color scheme.
The important feature of this collection is a simple and convenient composition and pressure facades, behind which the functionality hides.
This series has a wide range of variations of furniture and its sizes, from which it is possible to assemble a complete set both for a modern interior and for a classic one.
finish:Enamel, matine, varnish (produced by Sirca, Italy)
effects:Patina, brushing, glazing
width :746
Cabinet with 2 doors in pearl lacquered and high gloss palisander, glass interior shelves, black lacquered feet with golden detail.
SKU:Veneza 225/267
Family:Living Rooms
Length:200 cm
width:50 cm
height:58 cm
Die neuen LL-Frisierplätze bestechen durch modernes Industrial-Design und viel Flexibilität. So lassen sich unsere LL-POP UP! Stahlrahmen schnell und einfach aufbauen. Durch Einsetzen von Spiegeln, Ablagen und Möbelkorpen entsteht so ein Frisierplatz im Handumdrehen. Entdecken Sie außerdem unsere vielseitigen Wandelemente, z. B. für Labor und Warenpräsentation.
Abgerundet wird unser Angebot durch passendes Zubehör, Sitzmöbel und Beleuchtung.
Der modulare Aufbau mit vielen Kombinationsmöglichkeiten, die große Auswahl an Dekoroberflächen
sowie verschiedene Farbgestaltungen der Metallteile, bieten eine Vielzahl von individuellen Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten der Salon-Einrichtung. Modulare Bauweise und serielle Fertigung ermöglichen auch kompakte und volumensparende Verpackungseinheiten, die kostengünstigen Versand garantieren und Lagerkapazitäten einsparen.
Das IronArt Mozaic Sofisticado Pack ist eine raffinierte und elegante Kollektion von Mosaikfliesen, die jedem Projekt einen Hauch von Raffinesse verleihen sollen. Dieses Paket enthält typischerweise eine Auswahl an Fliesen in einer anspruchsvollen Farbpalette, die eine Mischung aus neutralen Tönen wie dezenten Grau-, Beige- und Silbertönen sowie gelegentlichen Akzenten in kräftigeren Tönen für zusätzliche Tiefe und Kontrast aufweisen kann.
Die Fliesen im Sofisticado-Paket werden mit viel Liebe zum Detail hergestellt und sorgen für ein luxuriöses Finish und eine nahtlose Mischung aus Farben und Texturen. Das Design soll ein Gefühl von zurückhaltender Eleganz hervorrufen und eignet sich daher ideal für die Herstellung polierter, eleganter Mosaike, die sowohl in moderne als auch in traditionelle Innenräume passen.
Materialien: Mosaik, Schmiedeeisen:Technik: handgemacht
Il pack Mozaic Sofisticado di IronArt è una collezione raffinata ed elegante di tessere per mosaico, pensata per dare un tocco di raffinatezza a qualsiasi progetto. Il pacchetto comprende una selezione di tessere in una sofisticata tavolozza di colori che può includere un mix di neutri, come grigi tenui, beige e argento, oltre a occasionali spruzzi di toni più ricchi per aggiungere profondità e contrasto.
Le piastrelle del pacchetto Sofisticado sono realizzate con grande attenzione ai dettagli, assicurando una finitura lussuosa e una fusione perfetta di colori e texture. Il design è stato pensato per evocare un senso di sobria eleganza, rendendolo ideale per la creazione di mosaici lucidi ed eleganti che si integrano con interni moderni e tradizionali.
Materiali: mosaico, ferro battuto.:Tecnica: fatto a mano